Parent Category The specified ‘@notify_email_operator_name’ is invalid” error duplicate-removal Android Phone SQL Server CTE Too many pattern attempts SQL Agent Job temporary tables SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI inserted resolve the collation conflict OUTPUT COLLATION deleted SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS CSV SSIS Uncategorized GETDATE() internet Tips & Tricks {fn {NOW()} Technology Brent Ozar Invalid username or password Adventureworks database factory reset Sample databases Samsung S5300 SQL SQL Tips and Tricks flash Script SQL Interview Questions and Answers Galaxy Pocket @notify_email_operator_name tsql Tecno N3 Child Categorycategory670887f33140f10Loading.... Converting VARBINARY to STRING on SQL ServerNovember 29, 2021by Abayomi Obawomiye Tips & TricksSQLSample databases Installing AdventureWorks databaseNovember 27, 2021by Abayomi Obawomiye SQL Server Installing SQL Server 2014November 26, 2021by Abayomi Obawomiye Install and Configure SQL Server 2017November 26, 2021by Abayomi Obawomiye SQL ServerBrent OzarAdventureworks databaseSample databases Sample SQL Server Database DownloadsMarch 28, 2017by Abayomi Obawomiye SQLSQL ServerSQL Tips and TricksSQL Interview Questions and Answers SQL SERVER – Sample Interview Questions and Answers (Series One) – UpdatedJanuary 24, 2017by Abayomi Obawomiye SQLSQL Servertsqlduplicate-removalCTEtemporary tables Removing duplicate records from a table in SQL serverJanuary 23, 2017by Abayomi Obawomiye SQL ServerinsertedOUTPUTdeleted Implementing the OUTPUT Clause in SQL ServerJanuary 20, 2017by Abayomi Obawomiye SSIS – How to deal with commas in data when exporting to a CSV fileJanuary 18, 2017by Abayomi Obawomiye [SOLVED]: The specified ‘@notify_email_operator_name’ is invalid” errorMarch 22, 2016by Abayomi Obawomiye SOLVED: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI” and “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” in the equal to operationMarch 21, 2016by Abayomi Obawomiye SQL SERVER – Find Currently Running Query – T-SQLFebruary 2, 2016by Abayomi Obawomiye