Solving “Too many pattern attempts” problem in Samsung S5300 Galaxy Pocket Android Phone
Invalid username or passwordfactory resetSamsung S5300flashGalaxy PocketTecno N3Android PhoneToo many pattern attempts
June 11, 2013
I was inspired to write on this topic after I had two encounters. First, I had to help a high school student unlock his Tecno N3 android device after his younger brother played with the unlock pattern on it too many times. Secondly, I also had to…
Hello world!
February 23, 2012
Welcome to After you read this, you should delete and write your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the admin dashboard) to start a fresh post. Here are some suggestions for your first post. You can…
Abayomi Obawomiye
I am a SQL Server/Business Intelligence Developer in Chandler Arizona. I share resources on beginner & advanced concepts in SQL Server.
Abayomi Obawomiye
I am a SQL Server/Business Intelligence Developer in Chandler Arizona. I share resources on beginner & advanced concepts in SQL Server.
Solving “Too many pattern attempts” problem in Samsung S5300 Galaxy Pocket Android Phone
Invalid username or passwordfactory resetSamsung S5300flashGalaxy PocketTecno N3Android PhoneToo many pattern attempts
June 11, 2013
I was inspired to write on this topic after I had two encounters. First, I had to help a high school student unlock his Tecno N3 android device after his younger brother played with the unlock pattern on it too many times. Secondly, I also had to…
Hello world!
February 23, 2012
Welcome to After you read this, you should delete and write your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the admin dashboard) to start a fresh post. Here are some suggestions for your first post. You can…